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113學年度Pick Me! 集點活動來囉 113 Pick Me! Reward Program
[活動] 2024-08-01

113 'PickMe!' Reward Program

參加活動拿獎品不只一種選擇,凡圖書館活動、講座等,活動文宣有標示"PICK ME! 集點活動",即有機會獲得點數,累積點數可兌換"PICK ME! 兌獎機"裡的獎品,獎項包括Line周邊商品、圖書館紀念品、學校紀念品等。

Feel free to join our library events, where you can earn points towards special prizes through the prize redemption machine.

活動期間 | Event period
2024/9/01 至 2025/7/31
1 September, 2024 – 31 July, 2025

 活動對象 | Participant
TMU faculty, students, and affiliated hospital staff

抽獎日期 | Lucky draw date
2025/5/21(三) 中午12:00
12:00 PM, May 21, 2025
*Please make sure to drop your card into the lucky draw box no later than 10pm on May 19, 2025.

抽獎獎項 | Prize
NT$ 2,000元 x 3 名 (people)

  • 如果沒有喜歡的獎項,還有另一種選擇:集10點換現金2000元的抽獎機會!
    Alternatively, you can also participate in a draw with just 10 points for a chance to win NT$2,000.

集點活動參加方式 | How to collect

  1. 請至信義校區圖書館/萬芳醫院圖書室/雙和圖書館綜合服務台索取集點卡。
    Please visit the Library Information Desk on the 2F of the Comprehensive Medical Building/TMUWFH Library/TMUSH Library to pick up your Reward Card.
  2. 參加有標示"PICK ME! 集點活動"之活動就有機會獲得點數戳章。
    Participate in related events to earn points.
  3. 本則公告最下方及兌獎機上可取得各獎項所需之點數資訊。
    Please refer to the information announced on the prize redemption machine or the library website on the number of points required for each prize.
  4. 集滿獎品所需點數戳章後,可至信義校區圖書館/雙和圖書館綜合服務台換取特定獎項兌獎QR Code或於同一張集點卡集滿10點投入抽獎箱。
    After accumulating the necessary points, please proceed to the Information Desk on the 2F to either redeem a QR code for a specific prize or drop it into the lucky draw box.

注意事項 | Please note

  1. 集點卡不得兌換現金,點數戳章不得重複使用,但同一張集點卡的點數戳章可依點數兌換不同獎項。
    The rewards card cannot be exchanged for cash, each card can be redeemed only once, and stamps cannot be reused. 
  2. 不同集點卡的點數可以合併計算(不合併集點卡),建議集齊點數戳章再兌獎。集點卡兌獎後需繳回,如有剩餘未用點數須放棄。

  3. 本活動點數戳章及獎品兌換僅適用於本活動期間及北醫體系圖書館。
    The event stamp is valid only during the event period and can only be used at the TMU Library.
  4. 點數戳章不足恕無法兌換,恕不接受集點卡合併,集點卡遺失、損壞恕無法補發及另補點數戳章。
    Stamps that are insufficient cannot be redeemed, and lost or damaged collection points cannot be reissued or stamped again.
  5. 恕不接受集點卡影印、非本館專用點數戳章、點數戳章模糊無法辨識等。
    Events that are overdue, photocopies of reward cards, stamps not exclusively obtained from the TMU Library, or stamps that are blurred and cannot be recognized, will not be considered valid for the event.
  6. 獎品以本館現場實物為準,數量有限送完為止。
    Gifts are subject to the actual product on site in the library, and cannot be specified. Quantities are limited and available while supplies last.
  7. 獎品若非瑕疵品恕不接受退貨或更換。
    Gifts will not be accepted for return or exchange unless they are defective. 
  8. 因限量品或其他不可抗力因素,本館保留活動及獎品變動之權利。
    The TMU Library reserves the right to make changes to the event due to limited quantities or other factors.

本週兌獎機獎項 | PikeMe! Award

信義校區 Xinyi Campus
(Last updated: 2024-12-10)
Pick Me! rewards

雙和校區 Shuangho Campus
(Last updated: 2024-12-10)
Pick Me! rewards (SH)


地址:110 臺北市信義區吳興街250號
電話:(02) 2736-1661 #2514~2515
傳真:(02) 2738-6527

地址:235 新北市中和區圓通路301號
電話:(02) 6620-2589 #10799

地址:116 台北市文山區興隆路三段111號
電話:(02) 2930-7930 #8912
到訪人數:3403266 人次

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