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Home / Services / Suggest a Purchase / Books


Who can recommend books?
All current TMU and affiliated hospital faculty, staff and students.

Recommended Range

  1. Textbooks
  2. Course reserves books
  3. Reference books
  4. General knowledge books / Nonprofessional books

Before you make a request
Please check the Library Catalog before you recommend any book.

>>If you would like to recommend ...


  • 📕 Professional Books

    📗 Nonprofessional Books


    📚 Course Reserves

  • 📕 Professional Books

  • Application Process

    1. Download and complete the recommendation form
      → Recommendation Form: recommend form(Excel) recommend form(ODF).
    2. Email the file to the library staff at We will check the copy of the book in the library.
    3. Receive the verification results.
    4. Print out the verified file and have it signed by the director.
    5. Return the signed file to the Information Desk on the Xinyi or Shuangho campus.
    6. After the book is purchased, we will send a notification e-mail to the book recommender.

    Please Note

    • Form must be printed out and signed.
    • Book budgets are allocated by the department.

  • 📗 Nonprofessional Books


    Application Process

    1. Please connect to the Library Catalog and log in to your personal account to make a recommendation.
    2. The library staff will check the copy of the book in the library.
    3. After verification by the book commissioner, the books will be purchased.
    4. You will receive the verification results.
    5. After purchasing the book, we will send the notification mail to the book recommender.

    Situations where a purchase may be appropriate

    • Recently published (within last 2 years)
    • Price is lower than NT $2000
    • Not already owned by the TMU library.
    • In accordance with the aim of TMU education

    Situations where a purchase may not be appropriate

    • Out of print or difficult to buy
    • Cost prohibitive
    • Recommend comics, picture books and light novels
    • Document delivery offers better value for money over purchase

  • Ebooks

  • Application Process

    1. Download and complete the recommendation form 
      → Recommendation Form: 電子資源推薦單(xlsx檔) , 電子資源推薦單(odf檔) 
    2. Email the file to the library staff at We will check the copy of the book in the library.
    3. (Applicant) Receive the verification results.
    4. Print out the verified file and have it signed by the director.
    5. Return the signed file to the Information Desk on the Xinyi or Shuangho campus.
    6. After the book is purchased, we will send a notification e-mail to the book recommender.

    Please Note

    • Form must be printed out and signed.
    • Book budgets are allocated by the department.
    • The library cannot guarantee that all recommended e-books will be purchased.

    Rekated document:  Recommendation Form 電子資源推薦單(xlsx檔) , 電子資源推薦單(odf檔) 
    Related link: E-resources System 


    Contact Us
    Ms. Chen
    Tel: (02)2736-1661 ext. 2513

  • 📚 Course Reserves

  • Course reserves are course-related materials made available through the TMU Library. You can access a course reserve list directly from the Library Catalog.

    Recommendation Process

    1. Complete the online recommendation form.
    2. The library staff check the copy of the book in the library.
    3. The library will place the book in the course reserve area on the Xinyi and Shuangho campuses after it has been purchased.

    Processing times

    To ensure that reserve request forms are processed promptly and that materials are available to students at the beginning of each semester, please submit your requests at least 4-6 weeks before the start of the semester.

    Scope and Limitations

    1. Books Only.
      Recommendations must be books (print or electronic). No databases, journals, DVDs, software, or apps.
    2. Languages:
      Both Chinese and Western languages are accepted. Acquisitions for simplified Chinese and Western books may take 2+ months. Early submission is advised.
    3. Editions:
      Prefer the latest editions. If the old edition is unavailable, the newest edition will be purchased.
    4. Availability:
      If a book is out of print or unobtainable, it cannot be acquired.
    5. E-books:
      Due to licensing, e-book availability cannot be guaranteed.
    6. Copyright:
      Only copyrighted books are eligible.
    7. Current Collection:
      Recommendations can include books already in our library.


    Contact Us
    Ms. Yu
    Tel: (02) 27361661 ext. 2510 (non-Xinyi Campus users plaese dail #9 2510)


    Last updated: 2024-06-12


Contact Information

TMU Library - Xinyi
Address: No.250, Wuxing St., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-27361661 ext. 2514 or 2515
Fax: +886-2-27386527

TMU Library - SH
Address: No.301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-66202589 ext. 10799

TMU Library - WFH
Address: No.111, Sec. 3, Xinglong Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-29307930 ext. 8912
Last Updated:2024-12-04

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