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Borrowing Materials

If you have any problems with borrowing materials from TMU Library, please contact our Inforamtion Desk.


Contact Us

Tel: (02)2736-1661 ext. 2514 (#9 2514)

Tel: (02) 6620-2589 ext. 10799 (#2 10799)

Tel: (02) 2930-7930 ext. 8912 (#7 8912)

Line ID: @509milvh

  • 🟡 Borrowing Terms

    🟡 Overdue Penalties

    🟡 Compensation

    🟡 Request

    🟡 Renewal

    🟡 Intercampus Loan

    🟡 Items Seeking Service

  • 🟡 Borrowing Terms

  • Status

    Check-out Limit

    Loan Periods

    TMU Teaching Faculty 

    No maximum limit

    30 days

    TMU Adjunct Teacher

    10 items

    30 days

    TMU Staff

    No maximum limit

    30 days

    Contracted Staff

    No maximum limit

    30 days

    Research Assistant

    10 items

    30 days

    Graduate Student

    No maximum limit

    30 days


    No maximum limit

    30 days

    Affiliate Hospital Clinician & Staff

    No maximum limit

    30 days

    Alumni (with TMU Library card)

    10 items

    30 days

    Retired Faculty (with TMU Library card)

    10 items

    30 days

    TMU Library Member

    10 items

    30 days


    Type of Materials


    Loan Periods


    Varies by borrower status

    30 days

    Leisure DVDs / VCDs / CDs

    5 items

    7 days


    3 items

    7 days

    Reference Books

    Library Use Only


    Academic Periodicals

    Theses & Dissertations

    Course Reserves

    Faculty Publication

    Medical Audio Visual Materials

    The Latest Issue Magazines

    TMU Publication

  • 🟡 Overdue Penalties

  • Default penalties to pay a penalty, if you want to convert to other penalties, you have to actively contact the library for modifications. The penalties are as follows:

    1. Pay a penalty:
      a penalty of NT$5 will be charged for each book per day in accordance with a cumulative system.
      • The maximum cumulative penalties for each volume of foreign language books are NT$500.
      • The maximum cumulative penalties for each volume of Chinese books are NT$300.
    2. Suspension (limited to the school and affiliated hospital staff):
      calculated on the basis of the penalty divided by five, in terms of days.
    3. Public Service (Limited to the fellow students):
      calculated on the basis of the penalty divided by five, in terms of minutes. Less than one hour is counted as one hour.Please register your reservation in accordance with the library's public service hours.

    • Each payment volume of a penalty may not be revised once the penalty has been changed.Individuals who have not returned an overdue book or who fail to comply with the penalties are not allowed to borrow any books or materials.
    • Payment methods include: cash-in and remittance at the Information Desk.
    • To make a remittance, please complete the application form, we will provide you with a virtual payment account number (for one payment only) via e-mail. After confirming the remittance (3 business days), and then process the system for liquidating. 

  • 🟡 Compensation

    1. If a borrowed book is defaced, has missing pages, or is lost, the borrower shall notify the library during the borrowing period; otherwise, the borrower shall be subject to overdue penalties and be required to pay within 1 month.

    2. Compensation method (optional):
      • Method 1. Principles of compensation for books and periodicals:
        1. Compensation for the purchase of the original (same ISBN) or the latest version of the same book;
        2. Academic journals are limited to the purchase of lost volumes, and leisure magazines are eligible for the latest issue if they are unable to obtain the same issue.
        3. If the book is out of print and difficult to purchase, please purchase: the same subject (can be identified by title search) and written in the same language (e.g. Foreign-language books are compensated for foreign-language books) and higher than the original price and the publication date of newer books.
        4. The book to be compensated shall not be the missing page, defaced, marked, etc.
      • Method 2. Payment for books and periodicals (Twice the current price for the lost book.)
        Every volume is calculated on the basis of double the price. When the price cannot be obtained, the Chinese at twice the price of NT$300 per volume, the foreign language is calculated at twice the price of NT$3000 per volume.

    3. If the library originally purchased the public presentation edition of the audiovisual material, it will need to purchase the public presentation edition for compensation. If the audio-visual materials are a complete collection of publications and cannot be purchased on a single piece, a full set of compensation will be required.

    4. If the books and materials of compensation are out of print or cannot be purchased, they shall be compensated in cash twice the market value.

    5. Upon completion of the compensation for the books and materials, the right to borrow the books shall be restored.

  • 🟡 Request

    • Online requests are only accepted as the item is checked out or the status of the item is "in transit”, “on cataloging”, “in order processing” or “on holdshelf”.
    • An email notification will be sent to you as soon as the item is ready for pickup.
    • Items ready for pickup are kept on the holdshelf for a maximum of 7 days.
    • The maximum number of requests for TMU Library readers at one time is ten (10).


  • 🟡 Renewal

    • You can renew materials within 7 days of their due date
    • You may renew checked out books as long as they have not been requested by other patrons.
    • You CANNOT renew successfully when item(s) in your record is/are overdue or Item is reserved by another user.
    • Media item and magazine are not part of the renewal service.


  • 🟡 Intercampus Loan

    • You can make a phone call or visit the Information Desk to tell us the information of the item you want to borrow, such as the title, the call number, the barcode, etc. The admission library will contact the library having this item and transfer it to the library near you.

    • The library you can have the borrow-returning service: TMU Library, TMU Wanfang Hospital Library, and TMU Shuangho Library.

    • You can return the book at the Information Desk of the libraries close to you by the borrow-returning service.


    Related Link: TMU Library Catalog


  • 🟡 Items Seeking Service

  • If you are unable to find an available item on the shelf, you can fill out the “Book-Searching Request Form” at the Information Desk on the 2nd floor.

    Library staff will look for the item three times after the form received and inform applicants the result of seeking in two business days.


    Related Document: Book-Searching Request Form Book-Searching Request Form (pdf)
    Related Links: Library Catalog


    Contact Us
    Information Desk

    Location: 2F, Comprehensive Medical Building, Rear Building
    Tel: (02) 2736-1661 ext. 2514

    Location: 7F, Teaching & Research Building
    Tel: (02) 6620-2589 ext. 10799



    Last updated: 2023-09-18


Contact Information

TMU Library - Xinyi
Address: No.250, Wuxing St., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-27361661 ext. 2514 or 2515
Fax: +886-2-27386527

TMU Library - SH
Address: No.301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-66202589 ext. 10799

TMU Library - WFH
Address: No.111, Sec. 3, Xinglong Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-29307930 ext. 8912
Last Updated:2025-01-14

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