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Home / Services / Suggest a Purchase / Journals


Who can recommend journals?

Leisure journals:
All current TMU and affiliated hospital faculty, staff and students.

Professional journals:
Recommend through the department subscription survey from the library every two years.

>>If you would like to recommend...


  • Professional journals

    Leisure Journals

  • Professional journals

  • Recommend ‘Professional journals’…

     Since 2020.1, the library has launched the service of " Professional journals Recommendation e-Form".
     ※Limit to filling out E-Journals (Not Collections).

    Dear Professors/ Physicians,

    Have you ever encountered the situation that there are some E-Journals that is used very often or important for you, but there’s no collections in library? Through the Professional journals Recommendation e-Form, you can transfer your needs to the library instantly and quickly.

    After receiving the recommended messages of journals from this form, the library will conduct the following year’s professional journals recommendation survey. To assign the librarians of departments/units (library representative) to compile and reply the recommendation list (including sorting) to the library for reference.

    Please note
    According to the procurement schedule, the recommendation will be made between January and August, and the next year can be ordered (if the recommendation is confirmed). If the recommendation is made between September and December, it will be ordered in the year after next.

    Survey Period

     From 2020, the periodical survey will be conducted once every two years. 


    Application Process

    1. The library staff provides the current subscripted titles and recommendation form to the library representative by email.
    2. The library representative survey the needs of belonging unit and report the total amounts needed to the library.
    3. Two Ways to reply the recommendation:
      1. Maintain previous year’s recommendation and ranking:
        Only reply to the survey email and put the director on copy
      2. Add, delete journal or sort adjustments:
        Print out the recommendation file and the director has to sign off on it. Submit the original copies of the recommended form to the library. Or reply by email with scan file or taking a picture. 


    Related Document: recommendation file recommend journal(Word)   
    Related Links: Recommendation e-FormRecommend a book, Recommend a dvd, Recommend an e-resource


    Contact Us

    Ms. Fu, Tel: (02)2736-1661 ext.2502, Email:
    TMU Hospital
    Ms. Chien, Tel: (02)2736-1661 ext.2519, Email:
    Wan Fang Hospital
    Ms. Huang, Tel: (02)2930-7930 ext. 8913, Email:
    Shuang Ho Hospital
    Ms. Hsu, Tel: (02)6620-2589 ext. 10700, Email:


  • Leisure Journals

  • Recommend ‘Leisure Journals’…

    Application Process

    1. Download and fill out the recommendation file.
    2. Send the file to the library staff via email: The library will verify in the library monthly meeting.
    3. The library will subscribe the recommended title next year.


    Please Note

    Journal usage will also be evaluated as a future purchase, therefore, please make more use of the journal.


    Related Document: Recommendation file recommend form(EXCEL) recommend form(ODF) 
    Related Link:
    Recommend a bookRecommend a dvdRecommend an e-resource


    Contact Us
    Ms. Fu
    Phone: (02)2736-1661 ext. 2502


    Lst updated: 2024-08-14


Contact Information

TMU Library - Xinyi
Address: No.250, Wuxing St., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-27361661 ext. 2514 or 2515
Fax: +886-2-27386527

TMU Library - SH
Address: No.301, Yuantong Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-66202589 ext. 10799

TMU Library - WFH
Address: No.111, Sec. 3, Xinglong Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-29307930 ext. 8912
Last Updated:2025-01-14

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