Database APP
- Please read the instruction manual before installing the app to confirm whether further account registration and login processes are necessary.
Clinical APP
Clinical APP
ClinicalKey helps clinicians rapidly access evidence-based, peer reviewed information to improve speed to accurate diagnosis and treatment, with the goal of improving patient outcomes and lowering the high cost of care. Its features have been designed utilizing extensive research on the search behaviors and content preferences of doctors.
Micromedex Drug Reference
Micromedex Drug Reference app is free to subscribers of IBM Micromedex Drug Ref online.
You need to enter the password to begin using Micromedex Drug Reference. The password is case-sensitive. Please type it exactly as you see it in the database. (The password may be obtained from the 'Micromedex' database> 'Download Mobile Apps' page.)
UpToDate is the leading clinical decision support resource with evidence-based clinical information – including drug topics and recommendations that clinicians rely on at the point of care. It has been the subject of over 30 research studies confirming that widespread usage of UpToDate is associated with improved patient care and hospital performance.
DynaMed is a clinician-focused tool designed to facilitate efficient and evidence-based patient care. Rigorous and daily review of medical literature by our physician and specialist staff ensures that timely and objective analysis, synthesis and guidance are at our users’ fingertips. Physicians who are “on-the-go” can take advantage of mobile access and continue work without missing a beat, thanks to syncing between desktop and mobile experiences.
Related Link: E-Resources System , Remote Access
Contact Us
Xinyi Campus / TMU Hospital
Reference Desk
(02) 2736-1661 #2515 (#9 2515)
WanFang Hospital
(02) 2930-7930 #8912 (#7 8912)
Shuangho Campus / ShuangHo Hospital
(02) 6620-2589 #10799 (#2 10799)
Last updated: 2024-06-25